Page content
- Web interface available – Precue
- OpenGL accelerated server using Clutter
- Use any image or video for backgrounds
- Display text over live video from webcam
- Play DVD titles directly
- Runs in English, Spanish, German, French, Dutch, Brazilian Portuguese or Swedish
- Multiple Playlists
- All songs kept in a database and so screens are dynamically generated, allowing you to easily change the backdrop, font etc without having to change all the songs
- Can automatically create screens for bible verses
- Quick searching for songs
- Searching by song name or the lyrics themselves
- Playlist shown as collapsable tree so easy to find wanted page
- Add/Edit/Remove Songs (even while they are being displayed)
- Preview a song as you enter it
- Networkable (ie run interface and server on different machines)
- Duplicate/Delete individual pages in playlist
- User access controls
- User-specific configuration/images (or can all refer to global one)
- Honourize a song (change ‘jesus’ to ‘Jesus’ etc)
- Graphical error reporting
- Spellchecking
- Change Font/Colours of text on a per-background basis
- Playlist entries to change background
- Automatic Page advance
- Copyright info for songs
- Can add images/videos/music to playlist
- Scrolling on-screen display for short messages
Lyricue release announcements
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